Vriska Serket

Aliases: Vira
Gender: Female (troll)
Pronouns: She/her
Birthday: October 31
First appeared: 2012
Relationship Status: Taken
Canon: Homestuck
Species: Troll
Leadership positions: Council member
Guild Membership: Management
Brief Overview
Vriska was formerly a co-host of the Starfall Haven, and has since become a Council member. Her first post on the tumblr appeared on September 4, 2012. She has no recorded absences. Vriska believes she came from outside the system and was not internally psychologically created.
Early Life
Vriska Serket was raised by a spider guardian on an alien planet called Alternia. Troll culture was extremely violent, and prioritized so-called 'high-bloods' to the point of allowing them to murder those lower on the caste system than them.
"I mean, it was survival of the fittest, you know? Except everyone was trying to kill each other to prove their right to be on top and because us higher-bloods got downright nasty."
Vriska herself made friendships, but she also made enemies. She killed many other troll children to keep her Lusus (that is, parentish creature, spidermom) sated. She also killed Aradia Megido and Tavros Nitram later on. At the time, she didn't feel guilty about it, but later came to regret her previous violent actions.
During the events of her canon, she came to realize that she had been needlessly cruel and was ostracized and rejected for it. She vowed she would change her ways after she realized she was wrong in what she did.
Divergence from canon
Vriska was not killed by Terezi during their fateful encounter and instead made it to the ship alive, which was when she was ousted from the rest of the social group for what she had done and realized her wrongdoing. She stayed on the ship for two years before her arrival in the system.
System Life
Vriska arrived in 2012 around the same time as many other Homestuck fictives were appearing. She was quick to apologize for her actions and rebrand herself as being 'nice', though she didn't want to give up her personality entirely.
She was made into a system co-host due to her frequent fronting habits. Several years later, she would give up her position to Sombra.
Vriska is a co-host of the system and technically third in command after Minato. She is very socially extroverted and often does what our more introverted system members cannot do when they're out of socializing energy for the day. Other than that, she is at least a friend or acquaintance to most people in the system.
Vriska, along with Aigis and Labrys was one of the first people in the system to start practicing Hellenismos. She had felt a connection with Hestia for years before formally starting to worship her. Given her home culture's ambivalence towards anything resembling religion and default atheistic state, it was a very big change for her.
Vriska is in a nebulous relationship with Terezi.