
Aliases: none
Gender: Male
Pronouns: He/him
Birthday: unknown
First appeared: April 2023
Relationship Status: Single
Canon: Genshin Impact
Species: God
Leadership positions: None
Guild Membership: None
Brief Overview
Deshret, or King Deshret, is the former ruler of the Sumeru desert and former god of the Sumeru people. He is in a subsystem with Cyno, and currently resides in/shares Cyno's in-world body. He is an exotraveler and firmly believes he is Cyno's past life.
King Deshret is withdrawn due to his past. Getting to know him, you would find he is a kind and fair man who believes in doing the best for the people under his care. He speaks gently and deliberately. He is also prone to nostalgia, although is open to learning more about the present.
Early Life
Deshret was once worshiped as the god of the Sumeru desert people, and served as their ruler for a very long time. It was around the time of the Archon War when a memetic disease struck Sumeru--The knowledge of a truth so terrible it drove the humans of the nation to madness and death. Despite an effort to limit this forbidden knowledge, Deshret was unable to contain it.
Rukkhadevata, the archon of Knowledge and ruler of the Sumeru forest region, agreed to help Deshret contain the forbidden knowledge and stop the memetic disease before it destroyed the world. Doing this, however, would kill Deshret and reduce Rukkhadevata to a shadow of her former self. Deshret, only thinking of the suffering of his people, readily agreed to the terms. Despite dying, he saw Rukkhadevata as a great ally to the Desert people and was incredibly grateful to her.
Hundreds of years after his death, King Deshret became known as an enemy of the Archon of Knowledge, a rival that was killed by her maliciously. The truth of his death was lost to the sands of time, and he was used as a rallying cry by those who sought to overthrow the rule of the Akademiya in Sumeru. Due to the exploration of King Deshret's tomb by the Traveller and Cyno, among others, the truth was rediscovered.
King Deshret's tomb and existence were later written out of the world's records, causing his tomb and history to be completely erased from the memories of those in the world. This rewriting had no effect on those already in the Collective.
Collective Life
Deshret was awoken by Cyno once he realized that Cyno's soul still resided inside his body as a past life. Once awoken, Deshret has been quiet, only choosing to make himself known occasionally. As of the time of writing, he is still dealing with the events that occurred after his death.