Yae Miko

Aliases: Vulpes

Gender: Female

Pronouns: She/her

Birthday: June 27

First appeared: September 2021

Relationship Status: In a relationship with Ei

Canon: Genshin Impact

Species: Fox Envoy

Leadership positions: None

Guild Membership: Magicians

Brief Overview

Miko is a member of the Starfall Haven, originally hailing from the nation of Liyue in Teyvat. She prefers to think of her memories as real and happening in a different universe.

Early Life

Miko was born over 500 years ago in the nation of Inazuma in Teyvat. As a fox envoy, she was considered a Youkai, and when she was born she and Raiden Ei and her sister Makoto were part of a circle of friends consisting of Youkai. These are considered precious moments for both Miko and Ei.

However, during the fall of Khaenri'ah, a nation that did not worship a god, many Youkai died, as well as Ei's sister Makoto. Stricken by grief, Ei wanted to retreat from public life. She created a puppet that was programmed to do what she would do to sustain her idea of eternity; Miko reluctantly taught Ei the technique of giving up her body to be sealed in her sister's sword, in what was known as the Plane of Euthymia. Essentially, a pocket dimension. Although Miko would visit her on occasion, those visits became less and less frequent as one year turned into several, then to a hundred, and then to five hundred.

During this time, Miko became the Guuji (head priest) of the Grand Narukami Shrine, a shrine worshipping Ei as the Electro Archon. She also founded Yae Publishing House, which became quite profitable. Miko kept up with the times and trends of literature, and was selling light novels before she came to the Haven.

Ei's puppet, the Raiden Shogun, was influenced by a foreign group to issue first an isolation decree, and then to seize the Visions of everyone in Inazuma, all for the sake of 'eternity', the idea of which had become corrupted in Ei's absence and her withdrawl from social life. Yae helped the Traveller, a non-native of Teyvat, force Ei out of her own isolation, and put a stop to the Vision Hunt decree as well as the isolation decree. She was relieved to have her friend back.

Divergence from canon

Miko and Ei had an established romantic relationship before ending up in the Haven, unlike in her canon.

System Life

Miko generally tends to keep her secrets to herself but is always friendly when need be. She and Ei are close and she encourages Ei to open up more. Miko and several other 'fox people' in the system have an unofficial social group. She is also always in possession of some wine or another from Deep Headspace, although no one really knows when she has time to go out and get it.

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