Nina Luceria Faust
Aliases: Nyra
Gender: female
Pronouns: she/her
Birthday: Feb 22
First appeared: April 2022
Relationship Status: Single
Canon: Vtuber
Species: Divine Fox Spirit
Leadership positions: None
Guild Membership: Caretaker
Brief Overview
Nina is a fallen fox spirit of prosperity and happiness; she became part of the collective in April 2022. She prefers to think of herself in more spiritual terms, but isn't necessarily opposed to a psychological view when it's convenient or when it makes sense to use that lens. Nina is technically a faitive of a vtuber, but thinks of herself as a completely seperate person from the person behind the vtuber.
Early Life
Nina was born a normal fox a long time ago, and ascended to the status of divine fox once her initial mortal form passed away. She had spent countless years blessing human beings with health and prosperity from heaven, earning her tails. One might say blessing the humans with a little too much wealth. To such an extent that, combined with her habit of getting tipsy on the job and occasionally making messy forays into the human world to have a good time, she was essentially 'let go' of her position and kicked back down to earth, where she retained her anthropomorphic form but not her ability to bless humans with prosperity or health.
She spent most of her time roaming Earth and trying not to attract too much attention.
Divergence from canon
Although the general back story is the same as the vtuber she is a faitive of, the details are not necessarily the same.
System Life
Nina is a member of the caretaker guild, and as such, is one of the people responsible for dealing with emotional crises in the collective when they pop up, as well as being a comforting presence whenever needed. Nina has made friends with other fox-like people in the system like Yae and Kahlo, and likes to go on trips to them occasionally, especially to Kahul in the inner world.