Minato Arisato

Aliases: Orpheus
Gender: Male
Pronouns: He/him
Birthday: June 1
First appeared: 2014
Relationship Status: in a QPR with Aigis
Canon: Persona 3
Species: Human
Leadership positions: Co-host
Guild Membership: Management, Creatives
Brief Overview
Minato is a co-host of the Ange System. His first post on the tumblr was on May 19, 2014. Minato believes himself to originate from outside the system, and not internally psychologically created.
Early Life
Minato's parents died in 1999, when Minato was 6 years old. Before that, he remembers being raised by loving and attentive parents.
After his parents died, he was handed off to various relatives over the years, each inevitably getting fed up with his poor school performance and his withdrawn nature, sending him deeper into depression, exacerbated by his relatives his own age. By the time he was sent to live with his grandfather, Minato was nearly despondent and distrustful of his peers and other people. However, his grandfather was extremely gentle and patient with him, eventually sending him to Iwatodai for better academic advancement.
Over his year at Gekkoukan high school, he gradually learned to open up and made new friends, including his now quasiplatonic partner, Aigis. Minato participated in a club that fought 'shadows' during a hidden hour in the day. Unfortunately, this fight eventually led to his death.
Minato remembers very little from the afterlife. In his own words: "It was everything and nothing stretched into an eternity and a millisecond all at once. But it was peaceful, and bigger than you can imagine."
Divergence from canon
Minato's childhood may be counted as a divergence from canon, as the time between his parent's death and being sent to Iwatodai is never really explained or elaborated on in canon. Many of his interactions are more vivid than portrayed in the game since he is the player avatar.
A small difference is that of his appearance; Minato describes himself as somewhat darker-skinned than he appears in the game, and with a wider nose.
System Life
Minato arrived sometime during the spring of 2014, but kept himself hidden until after the summer was over so as to not make Artemis uncomfortable. Not a lot was known about Minato's source material at the time and his memories had to be gained gradually as the system played through Persona 3. However, he still isn't the first Persona 3 member to appear--that honor goes to Aigis.
Minato believes his arrival to be fairly shortly after his death, and has had to acclimate to the world of the living again.
Minato is a common fronter and a co-host, the second to be given that title. Minato often functions as a back-up host, making decisions when prompted or when things go wrong and Artemis is not around to help. He quickly usurped Vriska as second-in-command due to his levelheaded nature.
Minato has adapted to system life fairly well, although he sometimes still has issues both with the death of his parents and the trauma of dying.