Eula Lawrence

Aliases: Spindrift
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/her
Birthday: 10/25
First appeared: May 2021
Relationship Status: Single
Canon: Genshin Impact
Species: Human
Leadership positions: none
Guild Membership: none
Brief Overview
Eula Lawrence is a member of the Starfall Collective and formerly a member of the Mondstadt military in Teyvat.
According to most, Eula is a little odd. When first meeting her, she might come off as haughty or cold, carefully controlling her speech so that it comes off as more high-class. However, much of this is due to her upbringing and her desire to authentically be the ideal of someone from a highly-regarded family, Noblesse Oblige and all. In reality, she has a sense of humor that is difficult to discern, swearing 'vengeance' at the smallest of offenses that aren't actually offenses at all. Although she tones back her humor while in front to avoid accidentally intimidating people who are uninitiated, she still tries to make genuine connections with others. Although the way she comes across still often reads as cold, when one learns to recognize the way she works, it's easy to see that she is actually a kind and protective person.
Early Life
Eula was born to the Lawrence clan in Mondstadt. The Lawrence clan/family had been long since reviled by the people of Mondstadt due to the family's history of oppressive rulership, and although this happened a few hundred years ago, the family were still treated like Mondstadt's black sheep, with shopkeepers refusing to sell to them and landlords refusing to let them live within city limits.
Due to this treatment the Lawrences had grown extremely resentful of the rest of the Mondstadt population. The Lawrences also seemed to be in denial of their current status. Eula was raised with this antipathy towards the city and forced to participate in aristocratic rituals and traditions, despite their desolate situation. Eula learned all of these mannerisms and traditions very well, but grew resentful of her family as she grew older. she began to see just how hateful her clan was and how they refused to actually engage with their situation, instead remaining in constant denial. The only thing she was fond of was the traditional dance of her clan, which she practiced to perfection.
Eventually, Eula decided to break with her clan and apply to be a member of Mondstadt's guard, something her clan viewed as a betrayal and the city viewed as absurd. Although she claimed that she was simply applying in order to infiltrate the city's defenses and perpetrate her 'vengeance' from the inside, she didn't actually mean it. Jean, the acting captain, was willing to look past her family heritage and accepted her. Eula was an excellent scout, and quickly rose through the ranks despite the guard's distrust of her. In fact, despite her being accepted by Jean and some of the guard, she was still considered a persona non grata in Mondstadt. Eula often had to beg for a place to live and if shopkeepers sold to her, they often sold to her at inflated prices. So, in practice, Eula still lived in poverty, hunting for her food. Her strange sense of humor didn't help, as most people didn't realize she was joking when she swore vengeance against them.
Although Eula wasn't accepted by the Mondstadt population at large and still faced prejudice, she genuinely tried to perform well at her job, and protected the people who treated her badly. Her swordwork was a piece of art, incorporating aspects of the traditional dance and making swinging a claymore look elegant.
Collective Life
Eula is a valuable member of the Collective who fronts fairly often. She had to tone down her sense of humor to something a bit more intelligible, and has learned to relax a little when it comes to her speech and sensibilities. She remains good friends with Lumine and attempts to make friends with her fellow guildmates and crewmates.