Edward Elric

Aliases: Flamel
Gender: He/him
Pronouns: Male
Birthday: Feb 3
First appeared: December 2014
Relationship Status: Single
Canon: Fullmetal Alchemist
Species: Human
Leadership positions: none
Guild Membership: none
Brief Overview
Edward Elric was a member of the Amestris military and State Alchemist. Ed is agnostic about his origins, but he views his memories as very real and important to him.
Ed is extremely intelligent, and sometimes a bit rude and arrogant. When he is convinced he's correct on a theory, he has a hard time when people discount it. He is also firmly a scientist and believes in testing a hypothesis. Ed is not a fan of religion or blind faith and can be a little rude about those subjects. However, at his heart he does care for people and sometimes his anger and bluster are in service of trying to make sure nobody gets hurt or led astray. He enjoys logic puzzles and debates.
Early Life
Edward was born as the eldest son of Trisha and Hoenheim Elric, with striking blond hair and golden eyes, something that was highly unusual. His younger brother Alphonse was born a few years later.
Ed and Al's father left them and their mother when they were young, leaving their mother to care for them alone. Ed often rifled through his father's alchemy notes, learning some of the basics when he was no older than 11. He had a tremendous aptitude for it. He also made friends with Winry Rockbell, the daughter of an Automail (armored prosthetics) maker.
Unfortunately, their mother suffered from a disease that would ultimately take her life. The young Edward discovered their mother's body. In his sadness and desperation, Edward decided to try and resurrect his mother with the ultimate alchemical sin: human transmutation. However, per the golden rule of alchemy, one must give an equal amount of what they want back, and despite the young man calculating the chemical composition of the human body to the gram, there was no equivalence given to a human soul.
Due to this incident, Ed lost an arm and a leg, and Alphonse lost his whole body, only surviving because Ed quickly bound his soul to a suit of armor. The two were unable to resurrect their mother.
During Ed's recovery, he was scouted by Colonel Roy Mustang of the Amestris military after the military heard what happened at the Elric residence. Edward would be fitted with an automail arm and leg courtesy of Winry, and Edward would join the military at 13 to become a state Alchemist. On the day he and Al left their home, they burned it to the ground.
Ed went on to become the youngest State Alchemist in history. He and Al would begin looking for the philospher's stone, a tool that could be used to perform alchemy without equivalent exchange. Ed's goals were to get his arm and leg and his brother's body back.
During the course of the next few years, Ed and Al would discover the true identity of their father--an immortal alchemist from the ancient past--as well as what the Philospher's stone really was, and discovering and foiling a plot to destroy Amestris from within. He is able to get his leg and arm back, and Al is able to retrieve his body.
Collective Life
Edward has been relatively quiet, but can butt heads with more spiritual members of the Collective. He has generally agreed to live and let live, much like Houteki.