
Aliases: Lioness

Gender: Female

Pronouns: She/her

Birthday: April 7

First appeared: September 2022

Relationship Status: Single

Canon: Genshin Impact

Species: Human, mixed non-human ancestry

Leadership positions: None

Guild Membership: Self-defense

Brief Overview

Dehya is from the planet of Teyvat and the nation of Sumeru. She is currently unsure as to what she believes about her past, but her memories are important to her.

Early Life

Dehya was born in the desert of Sumeru. Her family was of mixed ancestry and she retains some featuress of that, including slightly pointed ears from a past feline-esque ancestor. She also wears hair accesories that look like cat ears to remind herself of her ancestry, which she's quite proud of. Growing up in the desert, Dehya developed very sharp survival skills. She also learned that people of the desert were generally seen as less intelligent and more brutish than the people from Sumeru's rainforest regions, although that didn't stop her from going to Sumeru city on occasion, although she did not receive the benefits of living within the city bounds. She didn't receive a comprehensive education like those with access in Sumeru City. However, Dehya was always proud of her heritage and where she came from. Once she was old enough, she joined the ranks of the Eremites, a band of desert-dwelling mercenaries and bodyguards.

Dehya gradually began gaining fame for her skill and beauty among the Eremites, who gifted her with the nickname "Flame-Mane". Dehya received her Vision at some unknown point when she was starting to carve her own path rather than follow what was laid out before her; despite being gifted one, though, she doesn't consider it all that important, and views her work as more important--even thinking money would be more useful.

Dehya worked with a young woman from a prominent family in Sumeru city as her bodyguard. it was then that she met the Traveller and Paimon and became involved in the events of the Sabzeruz festival.

Divergence from canon

In canon, Dehya has no feline ancestry.

Collective Life

Dehya is a dependable member of the Collective and although frustrated by the body's lack of tolerance for cosmetics, she still tends to look after her appearance. However, Dehya is very practical.

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