Dean Winchester

Aliases: None

Gender: Male

Pronouns: He/him

Birthday: Jan 24

First appeared: unknown

Relationship Status: Single

Canon: Supernatural

Species: Human

Leadership positions: None

Guild Membership: None

Brief Overview

Dean is a monster hunter from an alternate Earth; he views his memories as important to him, but is otherwise agnostic as far as whether he is literally from an alternate world.


Dean has, in his life, striven to be a man's man; he can come off as rough around the edges, sometimes a bit of a bro. In reality, Dean is a very protective person and wants to make sure the people he cares about are safe. beyond the facade he presents, he can be a little childish (in that he enjoys things from his childhood and can get excitable over things in a way people might see as 'immature'), is passionate about the things he likes, like cars and good food. He tries to be self-reflective despite never being taught how to do that growing up, and has made a lot of progress in deconstructing the aspects of himself that were instilled by his toxically masculine upbringing.

Early Life

Dean was born to the Winchester family in Kansas; his father, John Winchester, and his mother, Mary Winchester, were Hunters who tracked and dispatched dangerous supernatural targets. When he was very young, his brother Sam was born. Shortly afterwards, their home was destroyed by fire and Mary Winchester was killed by a yellow-eyed demon for then unknown reasons.

after the death of Mary, John, Dean and Sam moved from place to place as John dedicated himself fully to hunting. He was supported by family friend Bobby; however, this life was very disruptive for both the boys. They often stayed in motels and were left unsupervised for long periods of time, without consistent access to education or childcare. Dean, being the older sibling, became more or less the father figure to Sam. Dean saw his role as Sam's protector and mentor. As Dean and Sam got older, Dean started to learn the tools of his father's trade.

Sam did not take as easily to hunting as his brother. Sam decided to go to college while Dean stayed with his father, sometimes helping on hunts. However, a few years after Sam left, John went missing while on a hunt. Dean sought Sam out in order to convince him to come looking for their father together. They would eventually seek out the yellow-eyed demon that killed their mother.

Dean's memories of the following years are somewhat messy; he remembers meeting Castiel, and Angel, and getting wrapped up in the plot to make Sam into Lucifer's vessel. However, there's nearly 15 years of memories to sort through, much of which is meandering.

Collective Life

Dean arrived in the Collective many years ago, although he was never particularly an active fronter. Perhaps due to this, and due to the Collective's lack of interest in his interests, he went missing for a few years before rejoining the Collective. Although his former profession had him hunting many beings that the Collective welcomes, he has put aside his prejudices--in more ways than one. Dean is still a very infrequent fronter but enjoys spending his time relaxing in the Haven.

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