Damara Megido

Aliases: Witch

Gender: Female

Pronouns: She/her

Birthday: unknown

First appeared: Nov 2012

Relationship Status: Single

Canon: Homestuck

Species: Troll

Leadership positions: None

Guild Membership: Evildoers Anonymous, Slackers

Brief Overview

Damara is a troll from the version of Alternia called Beforus. She is Aradia's descendent/ancestor alternate universe counterpart. She is generally pretty rude and prickly.

Early Life

Damara was born in Eastern Beforus and then immigrated to Western Beforus in her late childhood/early adolescence. It was there she met Rufioh Nitram, and developed a (flushed, see troll relationships) romantic relationship with him. She was originally very sweet and tended to bite her tongue when interacting with others. Rufioh later cheated on her, ending her relationship and leaving her heartbroken.

The Trolls of Beforus ended up playing Sgrub with each other, much like their alternian counterparts. During that, Meenah Peixes bullied her relentlessly over the subject of her breakup with Rufioh, which resulted in her snapping and severely injuring Rufioh, and killing the man Rufioh cheated on her with as well as Meenah.

She became antagonistic towards the trolls playing the game, trying to hamper them in different ways, before ultimately helping form the universe that would contain Alternia and the beta session of Sgrub (and Sburb), seeding the universe with their own DNA where they would eventually be reborn as different versions of themselves, and becoming ancestors of the beta trolls, like Aradia.

She was killed along with the rest of her group by Meenah's machinations before they would be wiped from existence, securing their continued existence as ghosts.

Divergence from canon

Damara is implied to be 'fake Troll Japanese' in canon materials, but in our Damara's case, she is genuinely from a different area than the other trolls are and spoke a different language.

System Life

Damara has been largely absent but when she does surface, she's usually angry. Maya (our version of Meenah) has tried to make amends for her past misdeeds. Damara has yet to make up her mind on it, and has more or less continued to be antisocial.

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