
Aliases: Shinsha
Gender: N/A
Pronouns: they/them
Birthday: unknown
First appeared: January 2018
Relationship Status: Single
Canon: Houseki no Kuni/Land of the Lustrous
Species: Living Crystal
Leadership positions: None
Guild Membership: Slackers
Brief Overview
Cinnabar is a being made of living crystal (specifically of their namesake) from the far future of a post-apocalyptic Earth. They are a member of the Starfall Haven.
Early Life
Cinnabar was less 'born' so much as they evolved from a less complex crystal of Cinnabar until they achieved sentience. They were taken in by a non-organic man named Kongo-sensei, as he took in other living crystals. However, Cinnabar leached mercury from their body, and they eventually decided to live separately from the other crystals.
As one of Kongo-sensei's charges, they would have been expected to fight the Lunarians, beings who lived on the moon and occasionally came to Earth to 'kill' (or shatter) the crystals and capture them, using their remains as jewelry and finery. However, since their body only has a moh's hardness of 2, they were unsuitable for fighting as they were too easily shattered. So they created 'night duty' for themselves, keeping watch at night in the secret hope that the Lunarians would take them away and end their existence.
Many hundreds of years after their creation they were assigned to be the partner of Phosphophyllite, or Phos, who themselves was a delicate crystal, and who had been assignned by Kongo-sensei to create an encyclopedia. Cinnabar, although initially unenthused to be teamed up with someone, eventually warmed up to Phos and grew attached to them.
Together, they were able to uncover some of the mysteries of their kind--to the detriment of the kind-hearted Phos. That, however, is where their memory ends.
System Life
Although Cinnabar retains their general dislike of crowded spaces, they have been trying to warm up to people and become more social. Their preferred method of coping is dark humor.