
Aliases: Lil Biscuit, Budget, Bucket, Basket, Brisket, Bwidget

Gender: Female

Pronouns: She/Her

Birthday: October 26

First appeared: November 2022

Relationship Status: Single

Canon:Guilty Gear: Strive

Species: Human

Leadership positions: None

Guild Membership: Slackers

Brief Overview

Bridget is a yo-yo artist and bounty hunter. She is agnostic about her origins and doesn't have that many memories from her home world.

Early Life

Bridget was born as one of a pair of twins; she was assigned male at birth and her and her brother were seen as an ill omen due to superstition around twins in the village she grew up in. Her mother, trying to hide the fact that she was a twin, raised Bridget as female. Bridget didn't like her fate being dictated for her, and despite having a very feminine appearance and mannerisms, tried to prove that she was both a man and that the superstition was false by becoming a successful bounty hunter.

Bridget was reasonably successful and did help to change attitudes in her hometown, but despite trying to be 'manly' and assuring people that she was a boy, she never felt particularly comfortable with it, as though something wasn't quite right. Eventually, she came to terms with the fact that she did feel like a girl, and decided to identify as a woman.

System Life

Bridget has few memories of her home, but she enjoys learning throwing (with yo-yos) and in general being bubbly and social. She isn't necessarily always the quickest on the uptake, but she is very kind and supportive of most everyone.

She is also very insistent about her trans identity and doesn't like it when people insinuate that she's a man or that she was forced into identifying as a woman.

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