
- LC (formerly)
- Lance (formerly)
Gender: Agender
Pronouns: they/them or xe/xem
Birthday: July 7
First appeared: unknown
Relationship Status: taken
Canon: none
Species: Wolf therian, secondary monster kintype and android hearttype.
Leadership positions: Co-host, management guild leader
Guild Membership: Management, creatives, writers
Brief Overview
Artemis is the main host of the Ange System and founded the blog at its creation in 2011. They have been around at least since 2001 and possibly earlier. They are the body's age.
Artemis themself is a gestalt of several different facets of being, each of whom embodies a life outlook or general approach to life. However, these facets are not well understood, and Artemis declines to elaborate on them specifically.
Early Life
The first records of memory Artemis has are around 6-7 years of age. However, being the system host, they generally claim the body's history.
Major differences between the body and Artemis are mostly their appearance, which is heavily scarred and androgynous, with blonde hair and blue eyes.
System Life
Discovery of the system
Artemis discovered the system in the summer of 2011 with Houteki revealing himself. Since then it has been one person and one revelation after another. Artemis researched a lot in the healthy multiplicity spheres, including LB-lee's work, Astraea Group's website, and many others.
Development of the host position
Sometime after the founding of the system when the system had racked up at least 50 members, Artemis decided to give the position of co-host to Vriska on the basis of being a frequent fronter. This set the precedent for 'Host' being a political position rather than a natural one.
Host in name only
Sometime in 2020 Artemis decided they no longer wanted to play the role of host. Although they are technically still head of the system, they gave actual veto and head host powers to Minato A.
Role within the system
Being the head host, Artemis makes most of the major life decisions affecting outside world affairs. Artemis is also the organizer of most of the social media presence for the system as a whole, is the public face for many interactions, and is in effect the head ruler within the system regarding its politics.
Artemis also plays the part of a touchstone for the rest of the system; everyone technically knows them, even if they don't know other members of the system.