
Aliases: Ames
Gender: a male-adjacent shrug
Pronouns: he/him or they/them
Birthday: unknown
First appeared: May 2017
Relationship Status: Single
Canon: None
Species: Half-Elf
Leadership positions: none
Guild Membership: Creatives
Brief Overview
Ameliorus is a member of the Starfall Haven who arrived here in May 2017. He considers himself to come from elsewhere, and not psychologically created.
Ameliorus is charming and occasionally a flirt. Although he comes off as unconcerned with anything that doesn't involve having fun, in reality, he contains multitudes and is a dedicated and smart person. Although the overly-flirtatious part of his personality can be a bit performative, it stems from a genuine desire to make people happy and help others. He's very friendly and extroverted.
Early Life
Ameliorus is a half elf who was born into indentured servitude, as half-elves in his world are an oppressed class of people. When he was younger he served as an errand boy for a young commander in his nation's army. When he became older, he began training in the medical arts. Once he was of conscripting age (around fourteen or fifteen) he was conscripted to serve as a field medic for a small division of soldiers fighting a war.
It was common in his culture for there to be a group of civilians following armies of soldiers to war, staying far enough behind that they usually were not in danger. These civilians included the wives and families of the soldiers (not mandatory, but some families did not want to be apart), but was mostly made up of caravans of merchants as well as sex workers. Ameliorus would perform his duties as field medic, but when he was off-duty, he would do sex work in an attempt to raise enough funds to buy himself out of servitude--as he was still technically enslaved as a soldier--and start a civilian medicaal practice outside of the war. However, he would join the system before achieving that goal.
System Life
Ameliorus is a headmate that arrived to the system in a dream. Although they initially came off as very flirty and suggestive, their memories were still being sorted from before they arrived in the system. He is relatively carefree and enjoys living life at his own pace now that he is no longer in servitude. He still enjoys flirting, and was not ashamed of his former nighttime profession. They haven't yet fully recovered their memories and they are still currently working towards that goal.