Amélie Lacroix

Aliases: Widowmaker (former, no longer wishes to be called this), Cauchemar
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/her
Birthday: April 22
First appeared: April 2017
Relationship Status: Single
Canon: Overwatch
Species: Human (altered)
Leadership positions: None
Guild Membership: None
Brief Overview
Amélie is a member of the Starfall Haven who arrived here in 2017.; she does not care about origin nor is she usually interested in talking about her memories in the first place.
She is very withdrawn and unsociable by her nature, and often misanthropic to boot. However, she isn't prone to making trouble for anyone. She prefers to be left alone, doing her own thing.
Early Life
Amélie was a French ballet dancer in the near future (relevant to 2020). She was married to Gerard Lacroix, who was a member of the Overwatch organization and was attempting to fight the international terrorist organization, Talon. At some point, she was kidnapped by said organization, brainwashed, and turned into a sleeper agent. Overwatch found her and returned her to her former life with Gerard, but Amélie killed him in his sleep two weeks later. She returned to Talon and was trained to be a spy and sniper, as well as altering her body to have an incredibly slow heart rate, turning her skin and hair blue and her eyes yellow. Her former personality and memories were suppressed to make her into the ultimate dealer of death.
She was often paired with other agents of Talon, including Sombra, who at the time was working both with and against Talon's interests.
System Life
Amélie's conditioning being recurring, when she first came to the system, she was able to disconnect from her programming and remember the things about her life she had forgotten. Although her former personality was nowhere to be found, Amélie was able to relax and consider herself a human being for the first time in a very, very long time. She still experiences great grief over the death of her late husband, and deals with the guilt often. She has not branched out much in her years since coming to the system and isn't interested in socializing.