Alphinaud Leveilleur

Aliases: Scholar
Gender: Male
Pronouns: He/him
Birthday: unknown
First appeared: January 2020
Relationship Status: Single
Canon: Final Fantasy XIV
Species: Elezen
Leadership positions: None
Guild Membership: Creatives
Brief Overview
Alphinaud is a member of the Starfall Haven who first arrived in January 2020. He considers himself to come from outside and does not consider himself to originate psychologically.
Alphinaud is smart and artistic, and greatly enjoys learning. He can also be easily flustered, and although he was overconfident in himself in the past, he has learned to tone down his ego quite a bit. He's a very friendly man and likes to socialize with others, especially when he gets to talk about topics he's interested in.
Early Life
Alphinaud was born to his parents along with his twin sister, Alisaie, in New Sharlyan, a colony of the city-state of Sharlyan. Alphinaud has very few memories of the continent and colony as it was abandoned only a year after Alphinaud and Alisaie were born the settlement was abandoned due to the fall of another city-state to the aggressive empire of Garlemald.
Alphinaud and Alisaie were born to very well-off parents, the Leveilleurs being very respected in the city and their father being a member of the governing body. Alphinaud and Alisaie both attended the Studium, the primary educational center of Sharlyan. Alphinaud was the youngest to ever enter the Studium and graduated with top honors; he was evidently very popular while he was there, and is remembered even after he graduated.
At some point, Alphinaud's grandfather left for Eorzea, gifting Alphinaud and Alisaie with two grimoires. Alphinaud, having no memory of the continent he was born on, was curious about what his grandfather felt was so special about Eorzea; this was especially true after the Calamity and his grandfather's death defending Eorzea from the fall of Dalamud. years later, he and Alisaie would both journey there and rendevous with the Scions of the Seventh Dawn, which his grandfather was the leader of. He would become a Scion and work with the group, and accompany the Warrior of Light through their many trials.
System Life
Alphinaud adapted fairly well to system life and is curious about the world he's arrived in. As his former magical ability is no longer possible, he has tried to take up his former hobby of creating visual art, and researching whatever strikes his fancy. He is particularly interested in developing a realistic artistic style.