
Aliases: Huntress
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/Her
Birthday: April 4
First appeared: April 2018
Relationship Status: Single
Canon: Horizon: Zero Dawn
Species: Human
Leadership positions: None
Guild Membership: None
Brief Overview
Aloy is a member of the Starfall Haven. She arrived in April 2018. She has not made up her mind on the origin of her memories and doesn't enjoy speculating, but prefers her memories to be treated as events that are true for her.
Aloy is a loner, but not by choice. She is not used to being social or interacting with others and can come across as a little bumbling in social interactions, if not outright prickly on occasion. However, Aloy is a loyal friend to those who have treated her kindly and earned her trust. She is intelligent, analytical, practical, but can be snarky and funny when the situation calls for it. She prefers to do things with her hands and enjoys being out in the natural world. She also likes historical research, and likes to learn whatever she can. She can absolutely be a warm friend when given the opportunity.
Early Life
Aloy was born in the early 31st century in a post-apocalypse version of Earth. She was born within Nora tribal lands; the Nora were a matriarchal society and venerated motherhood. Aloy was found at the foot of All-Mother Mountain, a mountain the Nora worshipped as a goddess and their creator. Seemingly motherless, the tribe rejected her as cursed, and she was raised as an Outcast--those who are ejected from the Tribe, either for life or for a limited time, are not allowed within the borders of the Embrace, the primary home of the Nora, and are not allowed to speak to any non-outcasts. She was raised by Rost, another outcast.
Aloy spent most of her life training for an event called the Proving, which if completed, would allow her to become an official member of the tribe and a Nora Brave, the equivalent of a soldier or scout. With Rost guiding her, she was able to not only complete but also win the Proving at 19.
However, on completion, mercenaries from another tribe slaughtered all but Aloy, and in saving Aloy from a fatal blow from their leader, Rost died. Aloy took it upon herself to find the Killers and exact justice. However, in doing so, she unravels the mystery of what happened in the 2060s that led to the world reverting to a more primal state. (See the details of Elisabet Sobeck's page for more details.)
Armed with the knowledge of the past and technology she gained along the way, Aloy is able to stop an AI gone rogue, who was intent on wiping out the entire biosphere.
System Life
Although naturally more inclined to living outside with minimal amenities, Aloy was fascinated to learn about technology of the early 21st century, and was eager to explore life without the pressure she would come to expect from people who viewed her as a savior. Aloy enjoys learning about 21st century culture, spending time outside, and wants to continue her hobby of archery as well as take up rock climbing and hiking.