Alice Quinn
Aliases: None
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/her
Birthday: unknown
First appeared: February 2022 (or several years prior)
Relationship Status: Single
Canon: The Magicians (TV)
Species: Human
Leadership positions: None
Guild Membership: None
Brief Overview
Alice is a member of the Starfall Collective. She officially arrived in February of 2022, although she may have arrived several years before that at an unknown time, where she remained hidden.
Alice can come off as sullen and withdrawn. She is often very deeply focused only on what she's interested in and never made friends particularly readily, so she's used to going through life solo, keeping her guard up. She enjoys reading and research, but it can be difficult to get to know her.
Early Life
Alice came from a version of Earth where magic existed. Practitioners of this magic were called Magicians, and practitioners tended to specialize in a particular discipline. Alice was a phosphoromancer (a magician specializing in light magic). She was raised by her two Magician parents with an older brother, who, as a post-grad, attended Brakebills, one of the 'official' schools of magic. He died mysteriously at Brakebills, leading Alice to become a self-taught magician when her parents refused to teach her. Both parents were experiencing emotional problems of their own since her brother's death. Alice taught herself magic in order to apply to Brakebills to find out what happened to her brother.
Alice came off as standoffish at first, seen by the other students as a child of Magician parents, who had an unfair advantage when applying to the school. She was focused on her investigation and tended not to socialize much. However, eventually she met Quentinn Coldwater and his friends, Kady, Penny, Eliot, and Margo. She eventually opened up to them about her investigation. She eventually found out that her brother had, in attempting to assist another student, combined too much magic and became a Niffin, a being of pure magic without the restraints of morality or emotion.
In a bid to kill the Beast, a man who made himself immortal and who was initially thought to be a monster, Alice attempted the Rhinemann Ultra, one of the most powerful spells in existence. While she succeeded in executing the spell, the sheer amount of magic ended up turning her into a Niffin as well, driven by nothing but hunger for knowledge and without the restraints of empathy or morality. While in this state, she did many things she would later come to regret.
Eventually, Quentinn was able to restore her humanity, leaving her with conflicting feelings of both anger and self-loathing for what she did while a Niffin. Later on, Quentinn would sacrifice himself. Alice, being his on-and-off-again partner, was heartbroken. This was around the time she came to the system.
System Life
Upon coming to the system, Alice was not interested in socializing, as she was still upset by the loss of Quentinn and her trauma from her time as a Niffin. Although she has not socialized much, she has exhibited a slow opening up.