Alastor Smithsdaughter

Aliases: None
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/her
Birthday: unknown
First appeared: October 2022
Relationship Status: Single
Canon: N/A
Species: Crowned Elf
Leadership positions: None
Guild Membership: None
Brief Overview
Alastor is a member of the Starfall Collective from our inner world. She joined the collective in October 2022 and lives part time in our inner world and part time in the Haven.
Alastor is a gentle soul despite her large stature. She also faces severe social anxiety, although that is somewhat mitigated at front due to the issues causing her anxiety to not be an issue. She has an interest in crafting and how things are put together, and is generally curious about things she doesn't understand. Alastor is quick to help others and play emotional support if she can.
Early Life
Alastor is a Crowned Elf who was born and raised in Maharra. She was raised with the traditions of her people in mind, including manners, prayers, and folk tales. Crowned Elves, being exceedingly rare in Maharra and beyond, although she was not treated with outright scorn, she was unusual, especially as she grew in height. Alastor is around seven feet tall and very strong, and stands heads and shoulders over most people. Because of her large size, she also was sometimes treated as clumsy or akin to a bull in a china shop, leading to her having severe social anxiety and being very self-conscious about her size.
When Alastor was around nine or ten years old, her parents passed away in an accident. A blacksmith, Bernerd, who was a family friend took Alastor in and raised her as his ward. As Alastor grew, she was able to take up smithing herself, and found herself finding purpose in smithing, if not confidence.
System Life
Alastor was contacted by the Collective subconsciously while on Maharra, instead of being transported to the Haven first. This caused her a large amount of distress and needed to be reassured by Raven, a Maharran Liason, to explain what was happening. Alastor eventually came to the Haven, and warmed up to the Collective, eventually becoming comfortable with the group.
As she is used to being the odd one out, Alastor seemed to feel like she belonged with the Collective in a subconscious way, and ended up warming up to the rest of the Collective considerably. She was excited by the prospect of being understood by others and being able to interact with the outside world. Being in the system as a part of the Collective has seemingly greatly reduced her social anxiety and increased her self-esteem.
Alastor spends her time between Maharra and the Haven, making sure to keep in contact with her guardian and working at the blacksmith studio.