Ai Hoshino

Aliases: Oshi
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/her
Birthday: September 2
First appeared: June 2023
Relationship Status: Single
Canon: Oshi no Ko
Species: Human
Leadership positions: None
Guild Membership: Musicians
Brief Overview
Ai is a member of the Starfall Collective and a former idol from an alternate Earth’s Japan.
Ai is normally bubbly and optimistic, although for her, much of that is an act. Although she isn't an unkind person, in her heart of hearts she can be pessimistic and misanthropic at times. However, her experience as a mother showed her the meaning of loving another person, and she has gradually tried to be more true to herself while not being overly pessimistic.
Early Life
Ai was born in a rural area of Japan into a poor and abusive household. She was put into the equivalent of the foster system when she was young, and had attachment issues growing up. The lack of consistency and her abusive environments eventually led to her developing a misanthropic worldview and a seeming inability to feel love or affection for other human beings.
However, Ai was considered quite pretty, and when she was around 12 she was scouted by a talent agency called Strawberry Productions, and ended up becoming a member of an idol group called B Komachi. Although she was at first convinced her lack of ability to love would be an issue in an idol group because they tended to show a lot of affection to their fans, the manager convinced her that pretending to show affection was a form of love; that lying and showing her fans fake love might eventually lead to her developing true love for her fans. With that goal in mind, she decided that she would lie as her form of love, and hoped that one day she would be able to say ‘I love you’ and mean it.
When she was 16, Ai became pregnant after breaking off a relationship. She went on hiatus from the idol group in order to keep it a secret, as an idol getting in an intimate relationship would have been extremely taboo given the state of the industry. She elected to keep the pregnancy, and later gave birth to twins.
Ai raised her children with the help of her manager and his wife for the next four years, all while keeping the kids a secret from the public and the fans. However, her ex and the children’s father, unbeknownst to her, leaked her address to an unstable fan who had previously killed her obstetrician for Ai daring to get pregnant at all. The fan then came to Ai’s home the day of an important concert and when Ai opened the door for him, he stabbed her and accused her of lying to him. Ai, bleeding out, told him that she was trying to make that love real, and had kept a keepsake the fan gave her a while ago. He fled the scene, but Ai died in the apartment, telling her young children that she loved them, and meaning it for the first time.
System Life
Despite remembering her death, Ai is generally upbeat and curious about the world, and eager to participate in life outworld. Although it took her a while to process her trauma, she is more or less back to her old self. She’s interested in taking up dancing out-world, too.