
Aliases: Diva
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/her
Birthday: December 14
First appeared: October 2020
Relationship Status: Single
Canon: League of Legends
Species: Kumiho
Leadership positions: None
Guild Membership: Musicians
Brief Overview
Ahri is a member of the Starfall Haven. Her first post was on December 14, 2021, and she has no recorded absences.
Ahri is complicated; to her fans, she often comes across as bright and inspiring but unflappable; in private upon first meeting she comes across as aloof, but when you get to know her, she is a kind person who wants to help other people achieve their dreams and inspire others, which is mostly why she became a pop star. Although she sees appearance as an important aspect of who she is, she also doesn't think it's the end all, be all of anyone and doesn't judge people on appearances.
Early Life
Ahri is a kumiho from an alternate version of Earth where mythical creatures are the norm and more or less accepted. She was born in an alternate version of Korea in a middle class family. Ahri had a passion for music from a young age, and although she was pressured to adhere to a more 'traditional' lifestyle by her parents, she wanted to get into the music industry. She was sent to a boarding school where she met friends who encouraged her in her passions, and this was where she started writing songs and learning how to compose.
Although nonhumans were not heard of in the industry, it was extremely rare for one to be a solo artist or a lead singer due to some prejudices in society. In addition, due to the reputation of Kumiho as beings that ate human livers and other organs, she faced quite a lot of discrimination trying to get her first gig. However, eventually she succeeded, and was signed on to produce a record.
Later, she would be recruited to the k-pop band K/DA. She had close friendships with her band-mates, despite their different musical styles, and acted as something of the heart of the group.
Divergence from canon
Essentially none of Ahri's early life is canon, since her 'canon version' is a skin for a preexisting character and they share little to no similarities. Nor does she come from the same world as other League of Legends fictives.
System Life
Ahri arrived in the system and needed to adjust briefly, as she could not speak English and learned it slightly more slowly than others, which made her entrance into the system a little more frightening. However, once she settled in, she connected with the other musicians in the system. She is naturally shy around those she doesn't know, but is trying to reach out more. She also wants to make music or write lyrics in this life.